
Sunday, October 28, 2012

1964. German Shepherd Dogs 1 Bulgarian stotinka

German Shepherd Dogs  1964

German Shepherd Dogs 1 Bulgarian stotinka 1964

Text: German Shepherd Dogs 1 Bulgarian stotinka 
Condition: Ø = used/cancelled
Title:   Dogs
Face value:     1
Stamp Currency:       Bulgarian stotinka
Country/area:            Bulgaria
Year:   1964
Set:     1964 Dogs
Stamp number in set:           1
Basic colour:  Multi-coloured
Exact colour: 
Usage:            Franking
Type:   Stamp
Theme:           Dogs
Stamp subject:          
Michel number:         1462
Yvert number:                       BUL 1262
Scott number:                        
Stanley Gibbons number:    1455    
Printing office:            
Perforation:    11½
Printing:         Photogravure
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German Shepherd Dogs

The German Shepherd Dog (German: Deutscher Schäferhund), also known as an Alsatian or just the German Shepherd, is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in Germany.[3] The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with its origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, the German Shepherd is a working dog developed originally for herding and guarding sheep. Because of its strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training it is often employed in police and military roles around the world.[4] German Shepherds currently account for 4.6% of all dogs registered with the American Kennel Club. Due to its loyal and protective nature, the German Shepherd is one of the most registered of breeds.

German Shepherds are a large sized dog, generally between 55 and 65 centimeters (22 and 26 in) at the withers, with an ideal height of 63 centimeters (25 in) according to Kennel Club standards.[19] Weight is 30–40 kilograms (66–88 lb) for males and 22–32 kilograms (49–71 lb) for females.[1] They have a domed forehead, a long square-cut muzzle and a black nose. The jaws are strong, with a scissor-like bite. The eyes are medium-sized and brown with a lively, intelligent, and self-assured look. The ears are large and stand erect, open at the front and parallel, but they often are pulled back during movement. They have a long neck, which is raised when excited and lowered when moving at a fast pace. The tail is bushy and reaches to the hock
German Shepherds can be a variety of colors, the most common of which are tan/black and red/black. Most color varieties have black masks and black body markings which can range from a classic "saddle" to an over-all "blanket." Rarer colour variations include the sable, all-black, all-white, liver, and blue varieties. The all-black and sable varieties are acceptable according to most standards; however, the blue and liver are considered to be serious faults and the all-white is grounds for instant disqualification in some standards.
German Shepherds sport a double coat. The outer coat, which is shed all year round, is close and dense with a thick undercoat. The coat is accepted in two variants; medium and long. The long-hair gene is recessive, making the long-hair variety rarer. Treatment of the long-hair variation differs across standards; they are accepted under the German and UK Kennel Clubs but are considered a fault in the American Kennel Club.


German Shepherds were bred specifically for their intelligence,[22] a trait for which they are now renowned.[4] In the book The Intelligence of Dogs, author Stanley Coren ranked the breed third for intelligence, behind Border Collies and Poodles.[23][24] He found that they had the ability to learn simple tasks after only five repetitions and obeyed the first command given 95% of the time.[4] Coupled with their strength, this trait makes the breed desirable as police, guard, and search and rescue dogs, as they are able to quickly learn various tasks and interpret instructions better than other large breeds. 

Aggression and biting

Well-trained and socialized German Shepherd Dogs have a reputation as being very safe (see temperament section below). However, in the United States, one 1996 source suggests that German Shepherd Dogs are responsible for more reported biting than any other breed, and suggests a tendency to attack smaller breeds of dogs.[26] An Australian report from 1999 provides statistics showing that German Shepherd Dogs are the third breed most likely to attack a person in some Australian locales.[27]

According to the National Geographic Channel television show Dangerous Encounters, the bite of a German Shepherd Dog has a force of over 238 pounds-force (1,060 N) (compared with that of a Rottweiler, over 265–328 pounds-force (1,180–1,460 N) of force, a Pit bull, 235 pounds-force (1,050 N) of force, a Labrador Retriever, of approximately 230 pounds-force (1,000 N) of force, or a human, of approximately 86 pounds-force (380 N) of force)

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